RE: The Probability Broach
By L. Neil Smith
Many readers have asked what they can do, personally, to help keep my libertarian SF novel The Probability Broach in print and on the stands. Those who know the business worry that the initial printing of the TOR re-issue won't sell fast enough; even my wife and daughter have urged me to overcome my natural reluctance to write this message.
The reason I'm going along is that, if I didn't believe TPB to be an important work, capable of catalyzing historic change, I'd never have written it to begin with. Nor would I have worked so hard to get it back in print. I believe America needs TPB, more now than when I started writing it almost 20 years ago.
There are five things I can think of, all or any of which can help. First, obviously, buy as many copies as you can. Christmas is coming, and TPB makes a unique, inexpensive gift that'll really stick with the recipients and maybe even alter their lives. If you can't find it at your local bookstore, complain -- then try Laissez Faire Books at 1-800-326-0996
Second, call or write your favorite radio talk hosts (columnists and magazine writers, too) and tell them about TPB. I'm available for phone interviews (e-mail me for my number) and can generally be counted on to light up radio station switchboards.
Third, post messages about TPB to as many people, mailing lists, newsgroups, and other places as you feel appropriate and polite. I'm curious to see whether the internet will work for this kind of thing. Also, take a peek at
Fourth, contact my publisher (Tom Doherty, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010; [212] 388-0100) and thank him for re-issuing TPB. Tell him I'm working on a riproaring sequel, and that you'd also like to hear me read the book on tape. You can reach my editor Jim Frenkel with basically the same message, at
Fifth, join the Libertarian Futurist Society (c/o Anders Monsen, 602 Purple Sage Drive, Round Rock, TX 78681) and help us prepare the way for the social and political revolution America needs so badly.
Thank you. And if I was right, and my wife and daughter were wrong, I apologize for intruding on your e-mail this way.L. Neil Smith
Prometheus Award-winning author of 20 books including The Probability Broach, The Crystal Empire, Henry Martyn, The Lando Calrissian Adventures, Pallas, and (forthcoming) Lever Action and Bretta Martyn, L. Neil Smith is an NRA Life Member (1973), founder of the Libertarian Second Amendment Caucus, and publisher of The Libertarian Enterprise. He has been active in the movement for 34 years and is its most prolific and widely-published living writer. Permission to redistribute this article is herewith granted.